The great team at Numelon sees ideas and gives them a chance - making them into a reality with potential and always looking to improve.
Traverse through different levels and floors to experience paranormal scenarios!
KodaHub lets you do things that were not intended to be done by the developer - in the case of games, run unsigned code and fiddle with things like save files.
Listen to music with friends like never before - in a Discord voice channel.
Queue your song and jam all night!
We've worked with brands and have had partnerships, polishing up errors and working hard to achieve what the people genuinely want.
Our team is eager to learn and try new things - and so is the company itself.
Numelon is augmenting to even more fields of operation when and where required.
From software and game development to music production and licensing, graphic design and scalable server solutions, we build on what we have and expand.